I use to put down hope on paper boats and I use to see them float away, I use to keep them within myself and now I see them break away. Life becomes predictable and like any other bollywood cinema which I never use to believe and I wont still.
So, how are we going 2day? Guess its all the same as any other day or may be a little different than the monotonous one. Well, as per the fact that I am an Engineer..! [exclamation does mean something for VTU –
I swear in the name of all the VTU guides n texts I have referred to and all the college get-to-gethers I have attended till date, dayz at APSCE were & are still the best thing that has happened to me. Today, when I sit back and refresh my 'hard drive', all the memories just bubbled out. I felt very nostalgic.! as I watch all the wonderful snaps, which were clicked in sheer 'euphoria', on all the occasions which are worth a KOHINOOR..! [diamond I meant :P] & I simply have nothing else to say but to confess college dayz were & are THE BEST days of My Life!!"... Those 4 years has left behind memories to cherish which are undoubtedly worth remembering an entire life time.
So there I was sitting with my father in the midst of huge crowd filled with anxious students and their parents at the college reopening day waiting to hear from the DEAN about wut we hav got for our future soon after which a small meal arranged by college ofcourse. The next immediate thing happened before I knew was Queue formation for stationary..![prescribed texts by VTU for a sem were given to each student]; Soon after which… came a disastrous aakashavani listening to which I was dumbstuck..[wut the hell? Its jus opening day] but I had to rush for the classroom announced to meet our HOD, Mr. Sateesh Kumar for the 1st time n had a glance at my future classmates. Next to which was obvious - running home.
First year was like thorny way coz it had 1st in it. Not that the subjects were tough but you know how its gonna be. That was like “to be remembered” sem, when the VTU papers were like walk in the park. It was hard in the sense everyone around me were weird then. Everyone trying to prove that they are better than the guy/grl whoz sitting next to them and vice-versa. And then if both of them [fellow mates] realize that the guy/grl next to them both is better than them 2 together, we tell him/her “Neen bidamma Kilaadi”[ no doubt we were sarcastic] . Most importantly I needed a very good memory to remember what lie I had told about myself to whom..![am damn sure it would be same with you as well].
Second year was way better than I imagined it to be then. Not in terms of subjects that we had to study but each one of us by then had realized: “the guy next to me is no better than me and the third guy is cool even though he is better!”, And that is when you tend to become human to others. I had the pleasure of being in Telecommunication department of the college which had a bit of everything, so it was good for me. Never to forget that it was this year that we had most of the tough subjects. A few of which worth mentioning are EC, LD, PE, S & S, CS and more. Now, all these subjects are just abbreviations, or at least they are remembered as that. What they stand for or how much sense they made us is not really considered. The ‘L-board’ lecturers didn’t make it easy rather they projected the difficulty of passing them. How can I forget those moments of joy that we guyz had in our 1st excursion in 3rd sem which made news among our batch mates & ever since then our class stood as role model for UNITY.
Third year was good fun as we were used to the semester routines and adding to that were annoying subjects. We all knew that we were in one of the tough streams of engineering but with friends around it was always fun & kinda got used to it. By then we also had a few parties n trips [will write about those shortly] and were the proud batch to organize Sports events and college day [stage performance] of that year [2005]. We also took the responsibility of organizing the send-off for our seniors which was a success as well… by then It was time for yet another blow by VTU [V Trouble U]- I mean to say the crap xams. Then comes the placement fever. This was a point of time when one can observe everyone getting truly serious. But then, there were some of us who never got serious jus like me.
And now we were in Fourth & Final year which made us the senior most of the college and by then I had realized what are we tested on/for? Our ability to write pages of crappy [on-steroid] passages? Mugged-up vomit adorns University answer sheets. But, I couldn’t be unmindful, of those exceptional geniuses, that one-in-a-million guy/girl, who sees through. Who swims against the current, and emerges from the wreck. Who studied stuff with a reason & that reason, not being restricted to a secure job. By then the project fever was all around and also the “can’t wait to finish” feeling. And before we knew, we are done; it was time for the exchange of sentiments. All well dressed, lined up and waiting for the PHOTO-FINISH remembering those 4 yrs of “struggle between pen & pride”. Huff… not to forget saree made girlz look cute.
That’s about it. Before you get into the comfort zone with people around you, things change. That’s life I guess. And then you realize, if you have to do it all over again, it is very hard. It just takes such an effort to make it through all those pathetic subjects. Isn’t that true?