Endless hours of procrastination, long hours of University & work, gossip, sleepless nights, job deals, Client meetings & Projects, house keeping & taking good care of myself are all incomplete without communication. So I call my blog "Kaad Harate" which apparently means "hot conversations with no real intentions."
I didn't start this blog to stir communal violence or to combat terrorism (which turns out to be common 2day). I started this blog so as to keep myself well read and updated (which obviously I am not now). Does that sound selfish? Would it have been anything different had I said this blog is the voice of the underdog? I believe its rhetoric stupidity.!
Do stupid blurbs bother you? Is Karnataka's Political situation bothering you? Are stinky socks the biggest menace for you today !?! Whatever it is, all you need is a little more talent than that of a nose picker to write and say what you want to say. And this doesn't mean that a nose picker cant write one!; confused? irritated? Well then the blog name serves the purpose :)