Sometimes in life I did decide to walk through distinct path, in my own way to achieve goals and while traveling along, I observed the funny nature of life which forced me to drift apart and take shortcuts. And all along the way I have met people who let me see a different perspective of life than my own preconceived notion only to realize that we don’t live in the world of reality but in the world of how we perceive reality. When I try to reminisce about the left behinds, I feel happy for what ever that I am today. But, I am still learning how not to hide myself in my own sheltered little world and just imagining things to happen or wish for the life I want, instead, mold myself to hold the command on life ahead. From my dairy of lessons learnt, I love to ink down a few lines and the very first one would be – don’t wait for people to be friendly, show them how; And like me, start believing in luck, for how else can we explain the success of those who win over us.
was the feeling for entire trip & yes, my fingers are back on keyboard to narrate our recent excursion down south, which was Rock On without dramas. Extensive planning followed by shopping led our shoulders drooping but that didn’t stop the bills popping.! Yeah, such was the excitement, which kept us driving crazy throughout the trip. At 4 am in the morning on the 26th of September, I checked my travel bag, International Driving Permit and wallet for the last time in my pockets, pulled over a nice & neat sweater, checked my pair of Nike for any bad whiff, locked the house and jumped into the front right seat of our magnificent MAGNA, & the journey begins… You guys don’t have to wait for too long as our 1st break came after driving for 1.2kms to hook up with EXCEL team. It was from here our walkie-talkie came in handy and the next stop came after driving for 3 hours covering 270kms. Since we carried our own food for the entire trip, we just had to stop by a petro station and finished our breakfast. Charioteers, myself and ash knew the challenge ahead of us, driving remaining 500kms in the rain and make sure that we reach Quagi beach camping site (destiny day1) before sunset.! As usual, it was my fantastic driving skills that came in handy to reach our destiny but just little too late. Oops..! forgot to mention about “WAVE-ROCK”, the famous prethse prethse spot which we visited on the way. Then we had to setup 3 tents in dark & rainy conditions, which we did & heaps of eating followed guiding us to bed for day1.
This song by our cave man (tejasvi) woke us up in the morning; brand new day2 with sun shining bright made us forget wet & cold day1. Quagi beach visit was followed by quick morning routines. Disaster struck when my car got stuck in sand & I had to sacrifice the rear bumper to get away with it. Damn…! defamation of my driving skills straight away.! Well, I then whispered – I shall not be silenced and we moved on from there straight to Esperance. Dropped by the visitors info center, coming out from which we had our activities planned for that day. Drove to twilight beach, got on with snorkeling in the clear light blue insanely cold shallow water for a while. Out of water, into our cars, we were off to luck bay camping site (destiny day2). Tents were raised & we had unforgettable candle light dinner with kutti kangaroos hopping around. Couple from New Zealand joined us for long chat following which we jumped into our beds for day2.
Day3 our ears booted the brainz after hearing this again. Morning routine was followed by visit to whitest Australian beach, Lucky beach. Wow..! what a place to be, I’ll just leave the rest for the pics to describe. Then we had to rush to Esperance to catch our cruise to WOODY island (destiny day3) at 9am. We were there an hour early which left us with ample time to sort out the luggage to be carried & safe parking of our cars. It was an awesome cruise lasted for about 2 hours only to leave our eyes wanting for more. Reaching the island we were guided to our camping sites and the tent setup subroutine was executed. Kayaking, bush-walking, fishing and finally, drinks session at the tip of the island in dark brought the exciting and amazing day to end.
Day4 U know what woke us up. Tent pack-up subroutine was executed and walk to ‘Twiggy’s landing’ view point followed it. Back from walk, we were left with lot of time to recall the moments, cakes & beverages were served following which we left the island to Esperance and from there to Perth with unavoidable breaks in between. Reaching home at half past 12 in the morning of 30th September, I turned the magna’s heart down only to realize that I had driven for yet another 2000Kms..! crazy me.
I know It’s been almost a month since something breathed on this blog. On realizing it was October.! I screeched in silence, when the hell did September end.!?! Anyways, a lot of water has flown under the bridge since I last wrote (I know, my usage of english idioms are exemplary).
I did so many activities last month and it was fun unlimited. To name a few are like scuba diving, structured planning for an exciting trip down south, lots of shopping, got our magna ready to loaf and learned setting up tents for camping in record time and finally once in lifetime kinda trip (will write about it shortly).
Step in October, project phobia has occupied my mind and on personal front, I guess things are never supposed to be smooth for a guy who is about to turn 25. Me staring at my future which is still as clear as the climax of an art movie (I don’t know about you, but I hardly understand ending of an art movie) leaves me paranoid.I know am being intricate, but I’ll stop here to enjoy the remaining Sunday.