13th December..

the 347th day of the year 2008 is a Saturday and I shall remember it for years to come. Am going to go out on a limb here and say that this may be the single most satisfying vacation I have had in my life. I finally had my day, my minutes to convey, my object of affection, that was held up for too long within me and the wait was over then.!

Now I stand straight and say...I don't let go of my dreams, the whisker of cupid can drown all the screams...I know that to talk of L**E, I have very little right but many times you see something only when it is out of your sight.! So I don't want to talk about this anymore and I feel things going to be better than before.

bAck 2 scHool

I was in search for my lost mates from school or maybe I was looking to re-ignite that flame from my long lost school days. This was an effort to get the old gang back in touch and we did it, we made it happen not actually by going back to platonic school of philosophy but by social gathering at a restaurant. I mentioned ‘WE’ so that I get to admire, adore you all & of course, all of us need a big applause for showing interest & driving down on a busy saturday morning to make the event memorable.

Most of us met each other after 8 long years not to regurgitate what our teachers thought but to reminisce those precious moments that we had for few good years[1989-2000]. Thanks for all of U for making it happen & we shall have many more such gatherings in near future. If you guyz feel like reading more about school days this one sure is for you.

In the end I believe everyone were quite happy to say TATAaaa…, C U later. Nevertheless, for those of you who missed it for various reasons, not to be worried, you will be there for the next one…

PS: Reunion was organized, not just by having contacts, but by my perseverance :P