& she says ..

I said, how about a cup of coffee..
& she says, coffee is not my cup of tea!
I said, coffee isn't a drug but a vitamin..
& she says, how can u!?! that toasted milk!

I said, cup of coffee shared is happiness tasted - time well spent..
& she says, coffee, men & chocolates are better rich!
I said, every accomplishment starts with decision to try..
& she says, is your blood group coffee?! ha ha ha..

P.S : kowtow, a must to ur sense of humor.!

In d eye of a...

STORM.? you guessed wrong. Its TORNADO.!  (for d heck of a title)
Its been way too long since I scribbled here, well thanks to my j-o-b-s which has left me with no time to even scratch my bum..dudhffff... sighhh... and it continuessss...
Working for 120+(i lost count past 120) hours over past few days has made me realised that money is not everything but my fem superiors were !! Now I know how hard it is to concentarte on bloody workstation when your pair of auricles (ears i meant) are tuned to localized gossip station.
And someone said BANKING is hard.!?! agree, but INSURANCE is the hardest specially with females around, you better be insured for something.
As a matter of fact, I managed (corrected later as behaved) good when I was thrown in the midst of 'women @ work' and.. hmmm its tempting time for a cup of tea b4 I glorify the tackling of TORNADO.

P.S: May be continued.... 

pSyChic sElf

Sometimes, I cant get started
on things that I have to do. . . .
And my self-improvement efforts
fall short on follow-through.

Often,I get tunnel vision
and only see one side;
Many a time, I hide my feelings
behind that wall of pride.

when things start playing Rock n Roll
with playlist set to random;
I urge to have a ball. . . .
but sooner than later, I endup being stall.

As I continue to expose my psychic self, am onto the next stage of life's consciousness! So, are you?

PS: the book titles in the pic are not my concern but his gesture is...

1st few days..

of 2010 has kept me on my toes. Well, money being on top of the motivation list, I cant just stay away from work, can I!?! I wish I hit those six bloody lucky numbers and go on world trip for rest of my life. I know, it sounds like a figment of imagination.
Of late I got my temperory residency(hurreyyy!!!),a so called promotion as 3IC manager in disguise with a salary hike of 0.31$/hr. Now that is against racism and or discrimination. And yeah, I love this place and people here are not what they are as projected in desi media. I can hear you swearing at me under your breath but I can only say so much for now.
I will be back on this issue shortly, only to prove that we desi's are more racists.!
And also, as am a big time F1 fan, this years lineup is more promising than ever and am looking forward to see FORCE INDIA(& deepika padukone in red saree) on podium.

PS: Jai ho maa tujhe salaam onde maataram etc....