I was on G-chat with my friend back in bangalore(at work but still.!)this afternoon. After discussing few things our conversation introduced me to brothers of chikungunya. Yes, you read it right. Actually, this is how it went...
me: so, wuts happening in b'lore?
frn: oh..U knw wut, therz few new virus seeking hosts in & around b'lore this year..
me: oh ya I read about H1N1 & CHIKUNGUNYA r spreading, faster than BMTC & its routes.!
frn: ssss..also, adding to traffic are TOMATOGUNYA & MUTTONGUNYA lately
me: wut.!?! sounds lik they r brothers of another mother..
and it continued..I could'nt control myself from rolling over the floor(carpetted ofcourse). I then googled for GUNYA bros only to know that they are latest in the list of rumours doing rounds in the city, much efficient than BCP constables...
ha ha ha.... its funny like you :D
like me..!?! well thanks for noticing tat
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