pSyChic sElf

Sometimes, I cant get started
on things that I have to do. . . .
And my self-improvement efforts
fall short on follow-through.

Often,I get tunnel vision
and only see one side;
Many a time, I hide my feelings
behind that wall of pride.

when things start playing Rock n Roll
with playlist set to random;
I urge to have a ball. . . .
but sooner than later, I endup being stall.

As I continue to expose my psychic self, am onto the next stage of life's consciousness! So, are you?

PS: the book titles in the pic are not my concern but his gesture is...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

"I hide my feelings.. Behind that wall of pride" - that's why we are called the psychic self.... :) :) .......... nice nice .........

Raghu said...

@boss: poetry mastero appreciating this immensly simple lines..! is always motivating :)thanks