I do ReMix

I had enough of composing originals and also thanks to you(my muzic fans, I meant)guys for expecting something loud & queer. Its good fun to wear RDB's hat while reproducing rafi's and mukesh's classic in raghu's way. Since many of the muzic greats have already given it a try (& failed), I being not one among them, decided to give it a shot and the outcome is here. well, before you listen and start complimenting, downloading or commenting (which, my fellow followers often forget to) please read my disclaimer* below.

>>Likhe Jo Khat Tuje (Original is here)

>>Mera Joota He Japani (Original is here)

To add to the above classics is this complimentary sing along...

>>Tere Bin Kaise Jiya (Original is here)

*DISCLAIMER: If you are not the intended raghus-muzic fan then, be one ASAP; Also, any dissemination or distribution of the above is much appreciated, either explicitly or implicitly. Ok..now get a mic n start singing..


Madhu said...

heyyyyy...Rafi's song sounds great and the 2nd is better tan original..! add your voice to 'tere bin' and I name it Raghu Resurrected.. :D

Raghu said...

ha..finally I made you listen to them.. am impressed by ur comments.. thank U verymuch

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Good one Bro.. May be try adding few more electronic components to it (Like Guitar. etc).. keep up the good work Bro..