Drunk wit thoughts

Its sort of hangover on one side but contemplation on the other. I am not complaining. Sadly, am being shaped thanks to a binge on confronting thoughts. Not just thoughts, but random thoughts and too many of them. I get my senses back on reading pass “success is not final, failure is not fatal but its the courage to continue that counts” and suddenly my mind gets cornered in silence on coming across life instructions: have fun; do not hurt people; do not accept defeat; strive to be happy.. god what next..!?! I just whisper 'yes I can' unlike senator Obama.
Then, I start feeling jingoistic on watching “S**M D*G Millionaire”, not because it swept OSCARS but because the way it projects my motherland. Now, to get out of this trauma I move on to listen this song that am obsessed with lately. Following this, I start thinking what keeps me actively lazy and I am bestowed by poseidon to transform my feelings into musical notes. Then, I get advice on sharing the regret with yet another thought; even before understanding the last, I get told “great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance” my mate.! nOw I am forced to an agile conclusion that, 3 W’s (weather, women & wine) are highly unpredictable..! and I need to get this copyrighted under my name. Oops..! am done with a bottle of white excuse me till I get a bottle of red…

PS: Am not drunk, the thoughts are.!

Feb 14 Special

Nope, its not about what your thinking..& also, no, its not a sequel to 13th December. I have few other things to celebrate.! Yes, today marks the 2 years journey of struggle between pen & pride. It was on this day of the year 2007 that I along with 4 mates flew here. I still have my first ever international flight ticket with me which has its own story to talk.! It shall remain as an antique. Also, its my mate yogish’s birthday today. His first in Perth in 2 years, which makes it, bit more special

Finally, I would like to add few words about the most expected form the date above… for my male friends & foes in love, sweating with gift-O-phobia.! I say, she may forget what you present or said, but will never forget how you made her feel while delivering them. Love as if everyday is valentines day.! (gets costly, i know) Good luck :)